Respiration at High Altitudes

*What will happen inside our body at high altitudes? -When we keep going up, the partial pressure of oxygen will decrease  -Normally, dorsal and ventral respiratory groups will be stimulated to send axons down and innervate intercostal and phrenic nerves——>Normal respiratory muscle contraction——->Normal breathing -When we go up and the atmospheric partial pressure of oxygenContinue reading “Respiration at High Altitudes”

Respiratory: Inspiration and Expiration

*Simple anatomy of lungs and wall structure: -The trachea, or windpipe, is one part of the airway system which carries oxygen-rich air to the lungs -The trachea branches off into left and right lungs -The lungs are made up of a bunch of alveoli, where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxideContinue reading “Respiratory: Inspiration and Expiration”

Female Reproductive System

*External system -Labia majora:  +Serve as a protection layer for the other external reproductive organs. +On the surface of labia majora, there are sweat and oil secreting glands. -Labia minora: +Can have a variety of sizes and shapes. +Is located inside the labia majora, surrounding the tips of the vagina and urethra (tube that carriesContinue reading “Female Reproductive System”


*Structure of sperm -Head: contains acrosome which is very essential for fertilization  -Midpiece: contains mitochondria that produce ATP -Tail: contains flagella that aids sperm movement  *Fertilization -After ovulation, secondary oocyte is staying in the ampulla region of the Fallopian tube (freeze in metaphase II) -Sperm with the energy provided by seminal fluid flows through theContinue reading “Fertilization”

Erection and Ejaculation

*Erection -It is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system. -Spinal cord in the region S2-S4 will release a pair of parasympathetic nerves (pelvic nerves) when erection is stimulated by sight, thought, touching, or smell. -These nerves will come to the corpora cavernosa and release acetylcholine which then activates the endothelial cell to produce nitric oxideContinue reading “Erection and Ejaculation”


*Overall information -Spermatogenesis occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the tetes. It is the process of sperm cell development which is stimulated by follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).  *Spermatogenesis -Inside the hypothalamus, there are two nuclei called pre-optic and arcuate nucleus which release gonadotropin releasing hormone. -This special type of hormone thenContinue reading “Spermatogenesis”

Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation

*Overview -Menstrual cycle is a sequence of events which includes changes in the ovaries and the endometrium (lining of the uterus) that occur within a female’s body monthly. Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the Fallopian tube for fertilization. *Ovulation Divided into three phases: Follicular Phase (Day 1-14) -InsideContinue reading “Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation”

Male Reproductive System

-Penis: +The root: as its name indicated, this is the first part of the penis that attaches to the abdominal structures. +The body: Looks like a cylinder. Contains three internal chambers (two large spaces called corpora cavernosa and smaller one called corpus spongiosum). There are spaces inside the body that are filled with blood whenContinue reading “Male Reproductive System”

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