

Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology

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*Music boosts your IQ and EQ. Try my favorite music while reading the article *Overview -Gastroenteritis is commonly known as stomach flu. It is an intestinal infection which is highly contagious. The virus can be spread through physical contact or by consuming contaminated food or water. Symptoms and signs of this disease are common and…


*Music boosts your IQ and EQ. Try my favorite music while reading the article *Overview -Mononucleosis (mono) is known as the kissing disease since the virus that carries this disease is spread through saliva. You could be infected through kissing, sharing a glass or food utensils with people who have mono. This disease is very…


*Music boosts your IQ and EQ. Try my favorite music while reading the article *Overview -Diarrhea is an illness in which the body’s bowel movements are more loose, watery and frequent. This disease tends to go away by itself and is usually short-lived, lasting for a few days. However, when you suffer this health problem…

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