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-Mononucleosis (mono) is known as the kissing disease since the virus that carries this disease is spread through saliva. You could be infected through kissing, sharing a glass or food utensils with people who have mono. This disease is very common in teen-age groups and often goes undiagnosed. Having enough rest and fluids are keys to discovery. 


-The disease is mostly  caused by a type of virus called Epstein-Barr, even though other viruses also cause similar symptoms. This infectious disease is related to saliva 

-When people get exposed to mono, their bodies have built up antibodies which means that those people are immune and will not get mononucleosis

*Signs and symptoms

-The incubation period of this virus is about four to six weeks. Signs and symptoms usually lessen within a couple of weeks



+Swollen lymph nodes in your neck and armpits


+Skin rash

+Sore throat 

-You should contact your doctor if your symptoms do not get better on their own in a week or two


-There are some cases that the disease’s complications can be serious 

+Englagemnet of the spleen: this might cause your spleen rupture, causing a sudden and sharp pa8n in the left side of your upper abdomen 

+Liver issues: hepatitis (mild liver inflammation), jaundice (yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes)

+Swollen tonsils: could lead to breathing difficulties 

+Heart problems: myocarditis (an inflammation of the heart muscle)

+Anemia: a shortage of your body red blood cells and a decrease of an iron-rich protein in hemoglobin

+Thrombocytopenia: a small number of platelets


-There is currently no vaccine to prevent mononucleosis. You should wash your hands properly and regularly to prevent the spread of viruses. If you are infected, you should help to stop the infection by not kissing other people and not sharing food, dishes, glasses until your fever had improved

Published by David Le

Hello. I am an international student in high school right now. I am so attracted to the human anatomy and physiology, so I decided to write some articles about our body and its function. It will be very basic and straightforward learning articles for high school students like me. Hope you like them!!!

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