The aorta

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-The aorta is further divided into ascending aorta, aortic arch, thoracic aorta, abdominal aorta. 

*Ascending aorta

-It originates from the left ventricle and ascends to become the aortic arch.

-The ascending aorta travels with the pulmonary trunk and is covered by pericardial.

-The left and right aortic sinuses (they give rise to the left and right coronary arteries that supply the myocardium) are dilations in the ascending aorta, located at the aortic valve. 

*Aortic arch

-Continuation of the ascending aorta.

-It ends at the level of the T4 vertebra

-The aortic arch is connected to the pulmonary trunk by the ligamentum arteriosum (ductus arteriosus) 

-It is composed of:

+Brachiocephalic trunk which is then later further divided into the right common carotid (provides blood supply to the neck and head) and right subclavian arteries (provides blood supply to the upper extremities)

+Left common carotid artery which supplies the left side of our head and neck.

+Left subclavian artery which supplies the left upper limb.

*Thoracic aorta (T4-T12)

-Begins to the left of the vertebral column (protects spinal cord and nerve roots which transfer information up and down the body, provides structural support)

-Approaches the midline and leaves the thorax via the aortic hiatus which is located in the diaphragm to become abdominal aorta.

-Some arteries that originate from the thoracic aorta:

+Bronchial arteries: supply bronchial tissue and visceral pleura but only paid left bronchial artery arises from aorta while the right branches off from the posterior intercostal artery. 

+Mediastinal arteries: supply lymph glands and areolar tissue (supports the binding of other tissues, helps in healing of wounds, bind the skin with muscle)

+Esophageal arteries: supply the esophagus.

+Pericardial arteries: supply the pericardial.

+Superior phrenic arteries; paired parietal branches that supply the superior of diaphragm 

+Intercostal arteries: supply the intercostal spaces (the space between the  ribs and there are 11 spaces on each side), except the first and second spaces because they are supplied by a branch from the subclavian artery. 

+Subcostal arteries: supply the abdominal wall muscles.

*Abdominal aorta

-Continuation of the thoracic aorta

-Begins at the level of T12 vertebrae and ends at L4 vertebrae

-At its lowest location, the abdominal aorta divides to right and left common iliac arteries which supply the lower body. 

-Abdominal branches:

+Inferior phrenic arteries: supply the inferior of diaphragm.

+Celiac trunk: arteries that supply liver, stomach, esophagus, spleen (fights germs in blood), duodenum (helps food breaking process), pancreas (production of enzyme which is essential for food breaking down process).

+Superior mesenteric artery: supplies duodenum, jejuno-ileum (absorption of nutrients into bloodstream). It arises at the lower level of L1

+Middle suprarenal arteries: supply adrenal glands (production of hormones that regulate our metabolism, immune system,…)

+Renal arteries; supply kidneys (urine production). They are located between L1 and L2. 

+Gonadal arteries: supply ovaries and testes. They arise laterally at the level of L2. 

+Inferior mesenteric artery: arises anteriorly at L3 which supplies large intestine (absorbs water and other nutrients material that has not been digested as food)

+Median sacral artery: arises posteriorly at the level of L4, supplies lumbar vertebrae.

+Lumbar arteries: located between L1 and L4, supplies abdominal wall and the spinal cord.

Published by David Le

Hello. I am an international student in high school right now. I am so attracted to the human anatomy and physiology, so I decided to write some articles about our body and its function. It will be very basic and straightforward learning articles for high school students like me. Hope you like them!!!

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